Once Upon a Time 6×13 Sneak Peek #2 “Ill-Boding Patterns” Season 6 Episode 13 Sneak Peek #2
Once Upon a Time 6×13 “Ill-Boding Patterns” Season 6 Episode 13 Sneak Peek #2 – When Gideon resumes his mission to kill Emma and become the Savior, Mr. Gold steps in to ensure that the use of dark magic does not poison his son. Meanwhile, Robin proves willing to ally himself with anyone offering the possibility of escape from Regina and Storybrooke. Hook gathers the courage to come clean to Emma, but not before she discovers he’s been keeping a secret. And in a flashback to Fairy Tale Land, the legendary folk hero Beowulf sets his sights on Rumplestiltskin after the Dark One uses his powers to defeat the ogres and win the war for humanity, on “Once Upon a Time,” Sunday, March 19th on ABC.