Once Upon a Time 5×22 “Only You” / 5×23 “An Untold Story” Promo Season Finale
Once Upon a Time 5×22 “Only You” & 5×23 “An Untold Story” (Season Finale) – Next Sunday at a special time 7/6c – she lost the love of her life, reigniting a hatred so strong. There’s no telling what will happen next! The breathtaking two hour season finale of OUAT, next Sunday on ABC. Official website: http://abc.go.com/shows/once-upon-a-time/ Official Twitter page: https://twitter.com/OnceABC Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OnceABC Once Upon a Time 5×22 “Only You” & 5×23 “An Untold Story” Promo/Preview (Season Finale) Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 22 & 23 Promo Once Upon a Time Season 5 Season Finale Promo Once Upon a Time S05E22 & S05E23 Promo (Season Finale)