Once Upon a Time 3×03 Sneak Peek “Quite a Common Fairy”
Once Upon a Time 3×03 “Quite a Common Fairy” – In their continuing quest to find Peter Pan’s hideout and save Henry, Hook suggests tracking down Tinker Bell in the hope that she will lead them straight to his camp. Pan reveals to Henry why he has brought him to Neverland and in the Enchanted Forest, Neal has a plan that could transport him to Emma, but it would involve using one of Robin Hood’s most precious possessions. Meanwhile, in the Fairy Tale Land that was, Tinker Bell offers to help Regina improve her life, on “Once Upon a Time,” Sunday, October 13th on ABC. Official website: http://abc.go.com/shows/once-upon-a-time/ Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OnceABC/ Official Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/OnceABC/ Once Upon a Time on Amazon: http://bit.ly/OnceABC Once Upon a Time 3×03 Sneak Peek “Quite a Common Fairy” Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 3 Sneak Peek Once Upon a Time 3×03 Sneak Peek “Quite a Common Fairy” (HD) Once Upon a Time 3×03, Once Upon a Time 3×03 Sneak Peek, Once Upon a Time 3×03 Preview, Once Upon a Time 3×03 Trailer, televisionpromosdb, Once Upon a Time S03E03 Sneak Peek, Once Upon a Time, Season 3, Episode 03, tvpromosdb, ABC, Quite a Common Fairy, Sneak Peek, Preview