Legacies 4×09 Promo “I Can’t Be The One To Stop You” Mid-Season Finale | The Originals spinoff
Legacies 4×09 “I Can’t Be The One To Stop You” Season 4 Episode 9 Promo (Mid-Season Finale) – DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING – Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) finds herself involved in a game of cat and mouse as Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) sets out to make things right. Josie (Kaylee Bryant) has a heart-to-heart with Finch (guest star Courtney Bandeko). Alaric (Matthew Davis), Landon (Aria Shahghasemi), and Ted (guest star Ben Geurens) get a surprising result from their quest. Meanwhile, MG (Quincy Fouse), Jed (Ben Levin) and Cleo (Onomo Okojie) handle matters back at The Salvatore School. Chris Lee and Leo Howard also star. Morenike Joela Evans directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (405). Original airdate 12/16/2021.