DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 7×09 Promo “Lowest Common Demoninator” Season 7 Episode 9 Promo
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 7×09 “Lowest Common Demoninator” Season 7 Episode 9 Promo – EMOTIONS RUN HOT – When Gideon jumps the time machine into the Manor Dimension, the which lands in Hell, and Astra (Olivia Swann) realizes that a damned 90’s reality show crew sneaks into the manner causing havoc. Unbeknownst to the Legends, the reality tv crew is causing emotions to spike, and Sara (Caity Lotz) and Ava (Jes Macallan) share their true feelings about their roles as Co-Captains. Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) seeks advice about Astra from Nate (Nick Zano) and Zari (Tala Ashe), but Behrad finds that his past is put on display instead. Meanwhile, when Gideon’s (Amy Pemberton) opinions are ignored and her relationship with Gary (Adam Tsekham) is dismissed, no one could have anticipated what happens. Matt Ryan and Lisseth Chavez also star. Eric Dean Seaton directed the episode written by James Eagan & Emily Cheever (709). Original airdate 1/19/2022.