Burn Notice 7×12 Promo “Sea Change”
Burn Notice 7×12 “Sea Change” – With only one episode left before the epic series finale, Michael’s turned his back on his friends and family The only question left to ask is how will it end? Subscribe to televisionpromosdb on YouTube for more Burn Notice season 7 promos in HD! Official website: http://www.usanetwork.com/series/burnnotice/ Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/burnnotice/ Official Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/BurnNotice_USA/ Burn Notice 7×12 Promo/Preview “Sea Change” Burn Notice Season 7 Episode 12 Promo Burn Notice 7×12 Promo “Sea Change” (HD) Burn Notice 7×12, Burn Notice 7×12 Promo, Burn Notice 7×12 Preview, Burn Notice 7×12 Trailer, televisionpromosdb, Burn Notice S07E12 Promo, Burn Notice, Season 7, Episode 12, televisionpromosdb, USA Network, Sea Change, Promo, Preview