4400 1×06 Promo “If You Love Something” The CW series
4400 1×06 “If You Love Something” Season 1 Episode 6 Promo – MISSION IMPOSSIBLE – Jharrel (Joseph David Jones) and Keisha (Ireon Roach) must earn the trust of the 4400 if they truly want to help keep them safe. Hayden (AMARR) convinces LaDonna (Khailah Johnson) and Andre (TL Thompson) to visit Ypsi Med and Rev (Derrick A. King) continues to grow his flock. The series also stars Brittany Adebumola, Jaye Ladymore, Cory Jeacoma, and Autumn Best. Rachel Raimist directed the episode written by Shomari Kirkwood (106). Original airdate 11/29/2021.